Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Teen Suicide Essay - 891 Words

Nobody ever thought that Tyler Clementi- an 18 year old freshman at Rutgers University- would jump off the George Washington Bridge on September 22, 2010. But after a video was streamed of Clementi having a sexual encounter with another man without Clementi’s knowledge, Clementi committed suicide. The actual definition of suicide is â€Å"the action of killing oneself intentionally†. The act of suicide is a serious matter, and is particularly prevalent among teens and young adults. The best way to prevent teen suicide is through informing people of its existence, and educating them on the warning signs and prevention methods. In this essay I will explain why suicide is a major public health problem through statistics, show the warning signs,†¦show more content†¦Studies show that girls are more likely to attempt suicide, but males are four times more likely than females to complete the act. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, estimates that 81 percen t of suicide victims are males. While the reasons of suicide are mostly unknown, there are many causes that have been proven to lead to suicide. One of the biggest known factors are drugs and alcohol. â€Å" Studies have shown that suicide rates are five to 20 times higher among drug and alcohol usage† , thats because depression mixed with drugs or alcohol can make people feel even more depressed. Some of the other contributing factors for adolescent suicide are Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS), Bullying- also known as â€Å"Bullycide†, and the â€Å"contagion effect†- where one suicide motivates the other, common with depressed teens with shared circumstances, or teens influenced by media or memorials (Mental illness, 2012). Even though many people dont know why a person killed themselves, there are warning signs that can tell if a person may be having suicidal thoughts or actions. Such warning signs include: Depression, drug abuse, change in eating, change in habits, signs that lead to depressi on, and withdrawal from friends. â€Å" Because the fact is that two-thirds of those who commit suicide give some warning first. That means it’s up to us- as friends, relatives, or parents- to recognize the signal and respond, person to person†(Teen Suicide, 2000). There areShow MoreRelatedAn Essay on Teen Suicide798 Words   |  4 PagesTeen suicide My essay is on teen suicide there are a lot of suicides that happen in the U.S they are caused from being bullied also it can caused by being depressed. There is also a high increase of suicides for people who take antidepressants. All this information is true based on the sites below. 1) 2) MoreTeen Suicide Essay605 Words   |  3 PagesDaneshia Alberty Campbell EnglishIII-7 11 February, 2011 Teen Suicide Essay Teen suicide is one of the fastest killers for young teenagers. Every year thousands of teens die in the United States. There are many different reasons of why young teens commit suicide. Family issues, low self-esteem, and bullying are three of the many leading factors towards suicide for teens. Problems at home can cause a teenager to take their lives. Abuse in the home of the teenager can most often establish aRead MoreTeen Suicide Essay881 Words   |  4 PagesTeen Suicide Suicide is a growing problem in American culture. Sadly, teens are affected the most. Teen suicide is increasing rapidly. â€Å"About 5,000 teens in the United States kill themselves each year† (Peacock, 4). Suicide among teens is a serious and devastating crisis. More teens are taking their lives today than ever before. Teen suicide does not affect one specific type of teen; it affects any type of teen. There are a variety of reasons teens resort to committing suicide. Many people are workingRead MoreEssay On Teen Suicide1235 Words   |  5 Pages† offer little comfort, and even less hope to those considering suicide. Amongst U.S teens, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death more so than cancer, AIDS, chronic drug use, and heart disease combined. Common risk factors are bullying in school, history of sexual abuse, alcohol, and drug addiction, along with a history of mental illness in the family. There is also a direct correlation between socioeconomic status and su icide in urban, and remote areas. Factors such as social deprivation,Read MoreEssay On Teen Suicide1332 Words   |  6 Pagesbut if that s true then why is there an increase in teenagers committing suicide. We all know that the rate of teenage suicide has been on the rise just as fast as the rise of social media use. Teenage suicide is never a good thing and is heartbreaking to those it affects. As social media becomes more intertwined in young people s lives there has been an increase in teen suicide from cyber bullying. 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Or do we even know what signs to be looking for? ANd average of 1,800 young people take their own lives and almost 85,000 are hospitalized for attempts (CDC, 2008). With the statistics being this high we need to take some actionRead MoreTeen Suicide Essay866 Words   |  4 PagesNydria Daniel Leslie Campos Enc1101 31 October 2017 Emotional Suicide amongst Teens Suicide has become an extremely important social issue in our society. Did you know that suicide rate is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States according to the A.F.S.P (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention)? Teen suicide rates continue to increase every year according to statistics. Today, teens are having mental struggles that can affect their everyday lifestyle and they can’t seem to find anyoneRead MoreTeen Suicide Essay1320 Words   |  6 PagesEnglish Language Arts 09 November 2017 Teen/Adult Suicides Suicides in the United States have increased in the last year has increased by 9%. The Problems With Suicide/ Percent of Deaths With Suicide In 1980 nearly 27,000 people took their own lives, making suicide the 10th most common cause of death. 57 percent of the cases of suicide in the United States involved firearms. In 2015 Suicide had been marked the second leading cause of death from ages 10-24. Suicide has been a major health problem in theRead MoreTeen Suicide Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Suicide of any kind is an act in which a person takes his or her own life. FACT: Suicide is a prevalent cause of death among America’s youth today.Each and every day almost 1000 teenagers think about suicide and about 0.018% of them will be successful in committing it.† It is an ongoing problem that is often described as uncalled for immature and unnecessary. But having a deeper understanding and better knowledge are some key factors for preventing teenage suicide. This â€Å"problem† most likely start

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