Sunday, December 29, 2019

Always Searching For Volunteers - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 943 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/05/06 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Volunteer Essay Did you like this example? I would have preferred to tell you this personally, its a pity I didnt have the chance to do so, but I want you to know how grateful we all are for your helping us with [help offered by the volunteer]. You have been an incredible volunteer, and because of your dedication and hard work [details of results of the volunteers work]. We are always searching for volunteers like you who can [list of responsibilities], and that are dedicated to helping us unite youth with their passion for trades and entrepreneurship. But what I like(d) most about you is/was [specific feedback]. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Always Searching For Volunteers" essay for you Create order Volunteers like you are important to AccesSuccess, and are the key ingredient to our success. You know how important you are â€Å" AccesSuccess couldnt function without its fantastic volunteers. But did you know how important AccesSuccess is, or more specifically, how important access to vocational career information is? In fact, 46% of U.S. employers say they cant find the skills they need, with large organizations reporting even more difficulty at 58% (ManpowerGroup, 2018). In the ManpowerGroup (2018) seventh annual talent shortage survey list of toughest to fill jobs the #1 item on their list was skilled trades, #3 was IT staff, #4 sales representatives, #5 accounting and finance staff, #6 drivers, #7 mechanics, #8 nurses, and #9 machinists/machine operators. All of these are a part of career and technical education (CTE), vocational careers that can get their start without a four year degree! AccesSuccess seeks to alleviate this problem in Omaha and surrounding Metro areas by being builders of talent for today and tomorrow (ManpowerGroup, 2018, p. 1). CTE works for high school students, college students, adults, the economy, and business preparing individuals for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers (ACTE, 2018b). According to the Association for Career Technical Education (ACTE) CTE involved high school students are more engaged in and perform better in school (2018a), with 81% of high school dropouts saying learning opportunities relevant to their future careers would have kept them in school. In addition to the potential retention opportunities, the national freshman graduation rate is 80% while that of students concentrating in CTE is 93% (ACTE, 2018b). This indicates that youth with a clear, defined goal for their future are able to see more clearly the relevance of their current academic work and apply it in real world situations. Speaking of real world situations, our mentoring program is of particular importance to youth seeking vocational careers. According to Schmidt and Nilsson (2006)all entities linked in a persons self-concept, including careerwill influence one another[,] if one area of identity is not fully integrated into the self-concept, other areas of identity will inevitably be affected (p. 24). Ladany, Melincoff, Constantine and Love (1997) agree with this assessment, believing that the commitment to a career choice implies self-confidence and a stable sense of the future which may be belied by more immediate concerns such as the ability to pay for postsecondary education, day-to-day survival, and meeting primary physical and emotional needs. This is the bottleneck effect and can be found where at-risk youth must spend more psychological energy on basic survival than on self-improvement. Ladany, Melincoff, Constantine and Love (1997) and Schmidt and Nilsson (2006) both note that adolescents are prone to career myth belief, which can inhibit or negatively influence career choice processes. This is mentioned by Paa and McWhirter (2000) when they note the risks with the high percentage reported for influence in same-sex modeling. While girls in the 2009 study consistently reported positive influence from same-sex parents, friends, and teacher role models the boys were less consistent in their reporting by indicating equally high influence from their mothers. According to Paa and McWhirter (2000) this can be explained through the abundance of career models for boys. Most career models are likely to be white men, and in general there are fewer career models for young women. Through our wonderful volunteer mentor program the youth we serve experience first-hand a diverse example of career models for both young men and women. In fact, mentees are 55% more likely to enroll in college, 78% more likely to volunteer regularly, 90% more interested in becoming a mentor themselves, and 130% more likely to hold a leadership position (MENTOR, 2018). We at AccesSuccess are excited about these statistics! Our mentors help mentees in a variety of ways through Setting career goals and discussing the steps to realize them Using contacts to help youth network, find internships, and locate interview possibilities Introduce youth to resources and organizations in their chosen field Skills for seeking, interviewing for, and keeping a job (MENTOR, 2018) Without our volunteers this wouldnt be possible. In his 2015 State of the Union address President Obama emphasized the importance of access to higher quality education, including redesigning high schools and partnering with colleges and employers to provide a more real-world experience to lead towards jobs and careers. By helping to stress that you dont need a traditional four-year degree to be successful AccesSuccess and all its volunteers are a part of this educational redesign. The number of ways volunteers like you can help the youth of Omaha are as varied as the volunteers themselves, and while these lists and statistics are impressive, whats even more impressive are the impact stories from the youth you have helped. Take a look at the attached insert to read stories from actual AccesSuccess youth who have found help through the volunteers in our programs. I hope you have found inspiration through your time with AccesSuccess, and through the youth you have helped and motivated. We are always in need of volunteers so we hope you continue to donate your time, and bring a friend! We love seeing our volunteers and their relationships with the youth of Omaha bloom and grow into success stories.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gangs Essay - 1766 Words

Gangs Works Cited Missing Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in todays cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do some kids feel that being in a gang is an acceptable and prestigious way to live? There are many different theories to these questions. On the surface, gangs may appear to be shallow and materialistic; a result of human beings personal wants, but there are speculations that are more profound. In reference to the way humans are influenced in society, there is valid evidence to distribute blame at negative forces of economic disadvantages, capitalism, and the media. Along with gang membership comes easy gains for the gang member. The gang members are easily consumed with the money,†¦show more content†¦Increasingly, children are being raised in homes disrupted by divorce and economic stress; too many children emerge under socialized and under supervised. (Fox 117). Of all the negative influences that have affected gang members, the roots are found within below average economic situations. The people with less than adequate paying jobs are more inclined to poverty and thus subjected to more afflicted ways of life. Youth living these impoverished lives in lower class areas are more prone to joining gangs because they face it everyday.  ¡Ã‚ °Poverty has a cumulative effect, and that burden feels the heaviest on the shoulders of the youngest and weakest children. ¡Ã‚ ±(Fleisher 248) In situations where children are in neither a good family nor have a stable financial situation, nor well supervised, it is very easy for them to divert to gangs. In a society where more than 57% of children do not have the necessary full-time supervision they need (Fox 117), these children tend to fulfill their desire to be part of a family by joining gangs.  ¡Ã‚ °Often they [gangs] offer protection and acceptance to ghetto youths who come from broken homes with little security. ¡Ã‚ ±(Grinney 76) It has been proved that there is a correlation between the status of an individuals family, and the higher chance that individual has of joining a gang. Key informants in this study who were regular gang members were foundShow MoreRelatedGang Report On Gang Groups840 Words   |  4 Pages2013 National Gang Report, gangs continue to flourish, progress, and develop criminal tradecrafts (p. 3). Based on state, local, and federal law enforcement reporting, the National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) calculated that the US gang composition is approximately 88 percent street gang members, 9.5 percent prison gang members, and 2.5 percent outla w motorcycle gang (OMG) members. Street gangs pose the most violent and significant threat in most communities, while prison gangs are viewed asRead MoreCharacteristics Of Chicago Gang Gangs988 Words   |  4 Pagescharacteristics of Chicago’s gangs of the 1920 was the division across ethnic lines. In other words, representatives of the same ethnic group stuck together and frowned upon the inclusion of outsiders into their gangs. Of course, larger gangs were often multiethnic, but their core was predominantly monoethnic. The same tendency prevailed across the country, as gangs in New York and Philadelphia were also increasingly homogenous. Asian triads, Italian mafia, Irish and Jewish gangs were all incestuous organizationsRead MoreGangs: Crime and Gang Violence1549 Words   |  7 PagesGangs Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in today s cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in a gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long range answer to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the short term the answers are much easier to find. On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings personal wants and peer pressure. To determine how to effectively end gang violence weRead MoreAfrican American Gang Gangs1943 Words   |  8 Pagesis relative in space and time. Gangs are a seen as a deviant subculture within itself. While not all gang members have a criminally deviant agenda, many do perform deviant acts such as graffiti, robbery, larceny, assault, drug deals and homicide. Regardless of what the intentions of joining are, becoming a gang member is considered a deviant behavior in our society. There are different types of gangs such as street gangs, prison gangs, motorcycle gangs, ethnic gangs etc. For this paper, the focusRead MoreThe Violence Of Gangs And Gangs1377 Words   |  6 PagesGangs have become one of the nation’s fastest growing problems within recent history. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with about 2.4 million members are criminally active in the U.S. today. They use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal moneymaking activities, which include but are not limited to: robbery, drug and gun trafficking, fraud, extortion, and prostitute rings. With as much researchRead MoreU.s. Gangs And The Gangs1317 Words   |  6 Pagesoriginated with U.S. gangs in an effort for drug cartels to amp up and focus on their production, leaving the logistics to the gangs. The drug cartels have chosen to align with U.S. gangs based on similar philosophies of honor, a llegiance, and loyalty combined with similar business practices and levels of hierarchy. The largest U.S. gangs are structured similarly to giant corporations that succeed with levels of management teams with the ultimate goal of profit, U.S. gangs are no different as theyRead MoreGangs And Gang Crimes All Together2177 Words   |  9 PagesI have chosen to write my paper on Gangs and Gang crimes all together. I want to explain the history and reasoning of modern gangs and how and why they came about. I also want to give examples of some of the most common gangs known world wide and examples of the crimes they commit. I will also include insight on the reasoning behind the joining of gangs. Lastly, I would like to go into some detail about the criminal investigation of gang crimes. I have chosen this topic because I believe it is oneRead MoreDo Gang Behavior And Gang Affiliation?1845 Words   |  8 Pagesacknowledge and challenge communities to recognize gang behavior and gang aff iliation. This paper will also describe the culture and what it means to be in a gang; key findings of the research; recommendations the community can employ to remedy the need; and discussions and implications for further study. Keywords: African-American, Black men, Hip hop, Rap music, Nigga â€Å"There are approximately 27,900 gangs, with 774,000 members, impacting towns, cities, andRead MoreClassification of Gangs847 Words   |  4 PagesClassification of Gangs Introduction The problem of classifying gangs has interested both sociologists and law enforcement. For the purpose of law enforcement, a gang is generally defined as an organized group among the members of which there is well-designed communication. This paper evaluates classification schemes from current research for gangs. The objective is to discover the issues and problems in creating classifications for gangs including a definition which delineates what constitutes a gang and differentiatesRead MoreGangs and Injunctions1330 Words   |  6 PagesGangs and Injunctions Criminal activities and gangs have mostly always been an on going problem in the United States. Gangs and gang members are frequently involved with a variety of different crimes. The 2008 National Youth Gang Survey reported that there are approximately 774,000 active gang members in the United States (Egley, Howell, Moore, 2010). The 2008 National Youth Gang Survey also states that there are about 27,900 active gangs in the United States (Egley et al., 2010). The active

Friday, December 13, 2019

How Culture Affects Managers Free Essays

How culture affects manager in international organizations. In the last few years globalization has been expanded all around the world in different areas and technology. International organizations have the same effect, organizations that want to have an adventure must require managers or leaderships with general awareness of cultural variables that may affect the business and make this a success or a flop. We will write a custom essay sample on How Culture Affects Managers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Since culture has become one of the main obstacles to standardize decisions and processes in multinational enterprises, a barrier that is sometimes impossible to overcome †¦(XII) After the end of World War II growth of globalization has become widespread, thanks to advances in communication, transportation, technology and trading system. The world is moving into a new millennium and we cannot ignore the importance of international business, and the administration thereof. However adaptation to culture is the most difficult challenge doing international business, this requires an understanding of the different culture, perceptions, stereotypes and values. Only the managers with a wide cultural sensitivity will success. No single nation can be complacent about itself and does not need the assistance and support of other countries, even the riches nations need which lack resources and through global negotiations and agreements supplement their needs and wants. The development of international trade makes countries prosper by leveraging its assets produce better, and then exchanged with other countries, which in turn they produce best. When companies are interested in international trade or looking to diversify markets, they need to negotiate with foreign firms, then countries will be better off. To achieve this they have to resolve conflict or mishaps that may rise when negotiating, because many times one party is not willing to give, so firms need to plan strategies to work to reach an agreement, It is important to know the essential aspects of international negotiation, however culture influences directly in international negotiations, as not all countries negotiate the same way. Aspects such as values, habits, customs, religion, morality, etc. are essential to know, before a firm can have good communication and the n negotiating for a mutually beneficial. Horak, S. (2010). Does The Individual’s Culture Play A Role In The Value Perception Of Members Of Small Multinational Teams?. Business ; Economics Journal, 1-7. The author of this article said How to cite How Culture Affects Managers, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Four Styles of Roman Wall Painting and Mosaics Essay Example For Students

Four Styles of Roman Wall Painting and Mosaics Essay There is a three fold division off Roman wall during this time. The dado is at the bottom, the middle section imitates the stone slabs, and the upper part features a cornice and frieze. The slabs are outlined with stucco. The wall surface is concrete covered with plaster to create the fresco. This style enhances the flatness Of the wall, With panels that imitate masonry _ These surfaces mock the stone veneers that may have been seen in more upper class homes. Many small rooms in this style appear to be busy and claustrophobic due to every surface Ewing covered in bright color. Very different from Style I, Style II, also known as architectonic, focuses on the illusion of creating a three dimensional scene from a two dimensional space. Illusionists and naturalistic, it is common to see scenes that are rich and lifelike, with strong use of chiaroscuro, and linear perspective. The faux marble is replaced by landscape scenes, though more so later in the period. Some scenes feature ritualistic events deriving form Hellenic myths and theater. The Idyllic Landscape wall painting from Pompeii, c. 79 AD, features sacred buildings and figures. There is a depiction of the love of nature and of peace and reflection in these pieces; a strong sense tot what idealistic elite meant to the people at this time, This style, which originated around 90 b,c. In Rome, centers on images framed by legalistically painting columns. At the House of the Griffins, Corinthian capitalized columns surround a portico. There are painted panels of marble set between two columns. Style Ill, the ornamental style, moved to a new focus on framing and gallery imagery. Mimicking Style l, walls are richly painted in bright red, yellow, and black, enclosing the rooms space. Unlike previous styles, the focus now is on elaboration and detail. Walls are divided into small panels with support framed paintings. Because paintings are now individual, there is greater ease at decorating and rooms can now be reworked much quicker and with greater ease. Osseous, at Pompeii, c. 63-79 AD is an example Of this style. There is a panel depicting Hercules fighting fastness in a gallery style room. Much of the work from this time reflects these ancient Hellenic themes from mythology. After the earthquake of AD 62, Pompeii homes were rebuilt and redecorated in what is called Style IV by AMA. This style focuses on intricacies, and as in previous styles, more and more elaborate scenes continue to be created at this point. The detail of Achilles and Chicory from the basilica at Herculean, a fresco from the first century AD, truly feels the way style IV was meant to: true rich detail, the perfection of the craft. An accurate depiction of their world was created in home across the region. There is a Strong Sense Of how light plays Off objects. Landscapes are more realistic and the details are more important. Style IV confines three dimensional images to LOW dimensional framed spaces eke an exhibition. Images in a room are generally unrelated, but use strong aerial perspective and accurate detail Rich architectural framing completed the look of this style which combined all others to this final point. Mosaics were used widely during the Hellenic period of Greece, but became widely popular for home decoration during this later Roman period. Initially pebbled were used, but eventually, cut glass and colored stone were popular, and called teaser. These were pressed in to soft cement called grout. The spaces were filly with cement and then the work was cleaned and polished. First used as durable floor coverings, eventually, as the style became popular, interior walls and exterior fountains were decorated. As time wore on, a variety tot colors began to be used. Often, well known paintings were imitated in mosaic_ tile, cutting the pieces to resemble the brush strokes of the original work. With the development of emblematic, meaning central design, working with mosaics became more efficient, Small compositions were made ahead often in an artists workshop, set in trays of either marble of terra cotta. These pre-planned compositions were hen brought to the work site to be laid into an completed more simple or geometric background design. This saved the artist much time and aggravation. In a work from Hadrian Villa at Tripoli, c. 118-28 AD, the Battle Of Centaurs and Wild Beasts may be a copy of a Greek work by Seizes, c. Fifth century b. C. He was an admired painter Of centaur fight scenes. In this mosaic copy, the figures are rendered in strong three dimension with detailed shading and foreshadowing. There are a variety Of poses and colors. This new mosaic work featured the use of tromp Leila to fool the eye. Another mosaic piece around this time was a work by Heraclites using tromp Leila to represent a floor full of table scraps meant for the household pets. A mouse an be seen scavenging for the scraps. Because of the immense detail and shadow illusions, one could truly believe the work to be real food on a floor, This is what Roman artists wanted. Roman Sculpture Historical reliefs were prominent in Roman culture as a political statement. One such piece, the Era paces Augustan, from 13-9 AD, is a huge marble sculpture 345 tall and 38 long. Natural Environment and Chinese Painting EssayThought to have been executed by Grippe in 20 b. C. , the stones were precisely cut from a local quarry, creating the three arcades. Water came from the springs of uses, thirty miles to the north of Mimes. Purely utilitarian, this work was let without accretion and even the projecting blocks used to support scaffolding remain, The Markets of Trojan, located in the Forum of Trojan, built in 1 13 AD, feature a main hall which makes use of the groin vault. It housed ISO shops, with stalled spaces for vendors, similar to a midsized shopping center. Basilica Sepia, used once as a court of law, was built around 113 AD in Rome, Also located at the Forum of Trojan, it is perpendicular to the courtyard and closes it off at the north end. Named for the family to which Trojan belonged, the basilica was a rectangular building with an apse at each end. There veer several roars on the long sides and on the inside, a long nave with aisles on the sides. A colonnade on the sides connect to another story, above which is a gallery with a shorter colonnade. Above that is an open space that touches the ceiling; the clerestory. This was modeled after the Greek hypotheses hall. Coffers in the ceiling are for texture, beauty, and weight reduction. The Pantheon. C. 125-128 AD, in Rome, was built as a temple for the Olympian gods during Hadrian rule. Sitting at the center of modern day Rome, it was originally built on a podium with one stairway. There is a front colonnade of post ND lintel construction, Corinthian columns, and no frieze in the untreatable. It has a front porch, hut the back half of the building is a rotunda which rests on a drum. There is a large dome which covers the the roof area, made of concrete with a sheer marble veneer. An culls at the top lets light in and the cement dome, with its cotters lightens the weight. There are straight and semicircular alternations peace for statues, as well as circular and triangular pediments which alternate as well. Shadows emphasize depth tooth cotters. The Atrium of the House of the Silver Wedding is a prime example of house vying space. Built some time before 79 AD in Pompeii, this house features a portico with priestly gardens. The tabling is a passageway which displays the busts of ancestors. The main entrance resembles a megaton with its pool at the center, and the open space is used to collect water. There are four post and lintel columns flanking the pool. Another example of this type of building is a Room from a House on the Outskirts, Built near Pompeii, there are enclosed rooms which open to a patio area. A series of cityscapes are painted on the walls, and the illusion is that one is standing on an open porch, looking out too spinsterhood. There are three dimensional columns and ledges, and a temple at the top, With a colonnade. The perspective is intuitive, but an effective creation of an idea. The flat walls are broken up and made more interesting, with the appearance Of a niche and shelf. The Villa of the Mysteries features a modern open floor plan. Built around 50 three sides were painted With the fourth open to a porch. All walls were flat, but painted with illusionists scenes. The painting, Initiation Rites of the Cult of Bacchus features a woman taking objects from a bag a woman with a whip, a Oman being whipped, a resting woman, and a woman dancing. This may be a series of the same woman. A faux marble stripe, illusion of a shelf, and blasters on the top with a frieze painting complete the work. The Roman Theater from the first century b. C, in Orange, France is modeled after the Greek amphitheater, There is a cut off orchestra, made semicircular, with a large stage area behind it. The enclosed space has a series of levels with arches on the top level. Small, flat, engaged blasters decorate the enclosed portions face. A bust of Octavia sits above the large arch and centered doorway. Other architecture similar to this idea of group entertainment, is the coliseum. Built between 72-80 b. C. , this remarkable Roman building is concrete with arches and groin vaulting. An oval form with levels created by rings, there is a labyrinth of rooms on the ground floor _ The level above the rooms is the arena, which has a base of sand. The suns would strike different parts of the bleachers at different time Of the day, and the awnings could be moved to create shaded areas. The exterior of the building has 76 doors that enter the groin vaulted rings, Which creates a sense Of openness. The exterior arches are a tutorial mechanism.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Affirmative Action Essays (2754 words) - Social Inequality

Affirmative Action Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter! Affirmative Action Affirmative action works. There are thousands of examples of situations where people of color, white women, and working class women and men of all races who were previously excluded from jobs or educational opportunities, or were denied opportunities once admitted, have gained access through affirmative action. When these policies received executive branch and judicial support, vast numbers of people of color, white women and men have gained access they would not otherwise have had. These gains have led to very real changes. Affirmative action programs have not eliminated racism, nor have they always been implemented without problems. However, there would be no struggle to roll back the gains achieved if affirmative action policies were ineffective. The implementation of affirmative action was America's first honest attempt at solving a problem, it had previously chosen to ignore. In a variety of areas, from the quality of health care to the rate of employment, blacks still remain far behind whites. Their representation in the more prestigious professions is still almost insignificant. Comparable imbalances exist for other racial and ethnic minorities as well as for women. Yet, to truly understand the importance of affirmative action, one must look at America's past discrimination to see why, at this point in history, we must become more "color conscious". History Of Discrimination In America: Events Leading To Affirmative Action. The Declaration of Independence asserts that "all men are created equal." Yet America is scarred by a long history of legally imposed inequality. Snatched from their native land, transported thousands of miles-in a nightmare of disease and death-and sold into slavery, blacks in America were reduced to the legal status of farm animals. A Supreme Court opinion, Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), made this official by classifying slaves as a species of "private property." Even after slavery was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865, American blacks, other minorities, and women continued to be deprived of some of the most elementary right of citizenship. During the Reconstruction, after the end of the Civil War, the Fourteenth Amendment was passed in 1868, making blacks citizens and promised them the "equal protection of the laws." In 1870 the Fifteenth Amendment was passed, which gave blacks the right to vote. Congress also passed a number of civil rights laws barring discrimination against blacks in hotels, theaters, and other places. However, the South reacted by passing the "Black Codes, " which severely limited the rights of the newly freed slaves, preventing them in most states from testifying in courts against whites, limiting their opportunities to find work, and generally assigning them to the status of second or third class citizen. White vigilante groups like the Klu Klux Klan began to appear, by murdering and terrorizing blacks who tried to exercise their new rights. "Legal" ways were also found for circumventing the new laws; these included "grandfather clauses", poll taxes, white only primary elections, and constant social discrimination against and intimidation of blacks, who were excluded form education and from any job except the most menial. In 1883, the Supreme Court declared a key civil rights statute, one that prohibits discrimination in public accommodations, unconstitutional. And in 1896, Plessy v. Ferguson (163 U.S. 537 [1896]), the Court declared that the state of Louisiana had the right to segregate their races in every public facility. Thus began the heyday of "Jim Crow" legislation. In Justice John Marshall Harlan's lone dissent, he realized it was a mockery. He wrote, " We boast of the freedom enjoyed by our peoples above all other peoples. But it is difficult to reconcile that boast with a state of the law which, practically, puts a brand of servitude and degregation upon a large class of our fellow citizens, our equals before the law. This thin disguise of 'equal' accommodations for passengers in railroad coaches will not mislead anyone, or atone for the wrong this day done." Not until sixty years later, in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (347 U.S. 483 [1954]), was Plessy overturned. Chief Justice earl Warren declared the unanimous opinion of the court by saying: "We cannot turn the clock back to 1868, when the Amendment was adopted, or even to 1896, when Plessy v. Ferguson was written." In today's world, "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." This decision sparked racial tensions all across America. in 1957, President Eisenhower had to call federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas, after the state's governor forcibly barred black children from entering white schools. In 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested and fined, for not moving to the back

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Learn English Essays

Learn English Essays Learn English Essay Learn English Essay A place where a child grows up is very important as it might have a great influence on it when it become older. Some people would agree that growing up in the countyside might be better for children as it is much healthier: the air is clean and the food is fresh. However, some people think it is better for a child to grow up in a big city as it makes a child more confident person and provides a child with better education. So, there are many differences between raising children in a big city to a mall town. Such as: the infrastructure, education and the health. First of all, the infrastructure in big city is much better than in the countryside. There are many highways and long, big bridges which make transportation ester. With so may transport means such as taxi, bus it is very easy for you to go anywhere at any time. Big schools, big hospitals equiped with modern facilities make the study and treating disease more effective. Living in big cities, children have good opportunities to learn n good schools and examine in good hospitals. Secondly, in a countryside a child do not really have a chance to get a good education. All qualified teachers and professors live and work in big cities because of better prospectives and Job opportunities. If children grow up in a countryside they might never be able to get a good education and thus they will have less chances to get a qualified Job in future. For example I have got a friend who grew up in the countryside and moved to HCM fter graduating from a countryside University. He had to enter University again because nobody was willing to accept his diploma. Good education may provide a person with a good qualified Job which is very important for personal development of any person. Finally, as a result of these pollutions, the health of most children in city is weak which leads to the various kinds of illnesses. Also crime and different kinds of accidents are making their life in the cities very dangerous , while the life in the ountryside is quiet and peaceful. Moreover, in the big cities it is very hard to find the natural meals, such as milk, without any chemical additions. In this way children who live outside of the big cities are luckier, as they have more opportunities to eat healthy and natural food. In conclusion, choosing the place where a child grows up is very important. And there are many differences between raising children in a big city to a small town. Such as: the infrastructure, education and the health.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Evolution of International Monetary System Essay

Evolution of International Monetary System - Essay Example Moreover, there was no mechanism to consolidate an orderly return to inflation-adjusted exchange rates. â€Å"When countries, such as the United Kingdom in 1925, tried to return to the gold standard at overvalued parities, they were forced to endure painful deflation of wages and prices in order to restore competitiveness† (Check against Delivery, 2009). â€Å"During the Great Depression, the united states stay with strict norms of the gold-exchange standard, but gradually could not use monetary policy to offset the economic contraction† (Eichengreen & Franklin, 1992). Bretton Woods: In the 1940s, British and American policy makers decided to work jointly to design a new post war international monetary system, which would combine the benefits of a liberal international system along with the freedom for government to pursue domestic policies aimed at promoting social well being and employment to all. â€Å"The principal architects of the new system, John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White, created a plan which was endorsed by the 42 countries attending the 1944 Bretton Woods conference. The plan involved nations agreeing to a system of fixed but adjustable exchange rates where the currencies were pegged against the dollar, with the dollar itself convertible into gold. So in effect this was gold – dollar exchange standard† (International Monetary Systems, 2010). The main feature of Bretton Woods’s system was: Simplicity and adjustability to the rates as well as the exchange rates was a real reflection of the instability of inter-war period. â€Å"It was more administered than market-based; also exchange rates adjustment was... This essay presents a comprehensive review of the stages of the development of the international monetary systems. Possible reform measures to make the monetary system more fair and stable are discussed in the paper. International monetary systems are sets of internationally agreed rules, conventions and supporting institutions that facilitate international trade, cross boarder investment and basically the reallocation of capital between different nations. Over the past century, different international monetary regimes have struggled to adjust to structural changes, including the integration of emerging economies into the global economy. Systemic countries failed to adapt domestic policies in a manner consistent with the monetary system of the day. Adjustment was delayed, vulnerabilities grew, and the reckoning was disruptive for all. All the developing as well as the developed economies, should accept their responsibilities for open, strong and effective management of International Monetary System. Main function would be the timely recognition of any negative effects regarding a particular monetary decision on global economies and financial systems, as well as working to mitigate those before it amplifies adverse dynamics. So countries adopting a new policy should make sure that they submit it for peer review internally and then have the IMF do an external review Globalized economy with market-based exchange rates and effective utilization of reserves will lead to proper and harmonious external balance over time.